Monday 17 March 2014

Q7. Looking back at your preliminary task ,what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product ?

Q7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in progression from it to the pr

Q7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Q6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this production ?

Q7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

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Q6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of construcing this product?

Q6. what have you learnt about technologies from he process of constructing this product?

Q6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

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Q4. Who would be the audience for your media product ?

Q3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why ?

Q5. How did you attract/address your audience?

We think that the aspects of our film do appeal to the target audience because we focus on someone the conventional. In the vlog part of the movie we wanted to make sure that the bedroom looked like a teenagers bedroom. We had books in the shelf to show that she was still in school and that she is young. We also had photos in the background to show that she has a family that she cares about and whom she loves.

We had 3 actors; Ana who was the girlfriend of the other actor which was the boyfriend played by Corey Mylchreest who was around Ana's age. Then we had the Driver who was played by Nathaly Martinez and we wanted to portray her as a young adult so we had her wear a blazer and in dark clothing and driving. The story line is very intriguing for our audience. The genre again is interesting for our audience because it isn't a very funny movie but more thoughtful and intense than most teen films.The location was chosen because it was the only location where we would be able to use a car so it was easier to do it there than anywhere else. This would appeal to our target audience because a lot of the teens watching the movie would relate to the idea  of driving a car but being scared that they might run over someone. 

The rough cut feedback did give us a lot of criticism but we took that criticism and made our movie much better because of it. There was only one scene that we couldn't recreate because of the car not being available nor the actors so we had to work with what we had. It definitely help and it opened our eyes to the little details that can make parts of the opening much better such as lighting and camerawork. 

As you can see we have have reached our audience by different forms of media such as; Facebook events, tabloid article, YouTube etc. These are just a few of the media ways that we could reach our audience by thinking what they do most such as going on YouTube, watching TV or  just roaming the internet. 

  Newspaper article for our movie

 Trailer for our movie


 Interview with the main character Ana on Anchored 

Our Facebook event on our premiere

 Poster on our movie

Q4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

Q4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

Q4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

Q3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Q2. How does your media product represent particular social groups ?

Part of Q2



Q3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Q3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Q1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

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Q1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge of real media products ?

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Q1. In what ways does your media products use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Q1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products

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Thursday 13 March 2014


FINALLY FINISHED! GROUP 17 TEEN MOVIE HAS COME TO AN END AS IT HAS BEEN COMPLETED. It was an amazing experience we all loved taking part in  and really hope you like the movie. Enjoy! 

Captured memories of Group 17


(this picture is not an actual poster for our teen movie but just made to have a laugh) 

Members of Group 17. Worked really hard for this movie each one of us.

Capturing memories. Sharing this with all of our fans. Thank you.

Teen Movie 'Anchored'


Creation of own VIP pass for 'Anchored' premier

This is a VIP pass for 'Anchored' fans which I have created.This information about the movie premier was also posted on the Facebook page before  I began creating this pass.
On the Facebook page I had shared this event and wrote the first five people who arrive to our premier will receive this 'lucky' VIP Pass.
To create this pass I have used photo editing programmes such as Paint and Windows live Photo Gallery. In the center of the VIP pass I have put a photograph of myself  in a long , elegant grey dress with diamonds I bought . To show fame ,wealth and glamour as Actors and  celebrities wear million dollar dresses on the red carpet to impress and stand out from others .I have used Paint and selected free form selection to crop the original photograph I had taken of myself  in the dress and began to crop around the outline of my body , so that it could fit well into the pass. Although it was a bit challenging to cut around the edges of the photograph as there's a lot of small detail.
I have also used cross media convergence and social media marketing as ' Anchored' Facebook page and poster I created has come together with this VIP pass to release media content for the film.

Interview on hit movie 'Anchored'

  Interview with actress Ana Escudero of movie 'Anchored'

Interviewed by Arbrie
Music editing by Ana

Arbrie and I decided to do a Interview on my character discussing her experience filming 'Anchored' , problems during filming and the audience find out a bit more about Ana's character.

Poster promoting movie 'Anchored'

Facebook Event

Facebook Event for Anchored Fans

Production Company

17 th Productions
This picture was taken on my phone ( Ana's phone) to show evidence of our production company "17 th Production". As a group we wanted to be more creative and imaginative so we created our own production company by drawing on a plain A4 paper.
Iolo and Ana scribbled on the piece of paper using a colours such as blue and orange felt tip pens as they stand out ,whilst Nathaly took several pictures on Iolo's camera , from the start to the end off our drawing.We then uploaded all the picture taken on the camera to the desktop and edited them all together to created a sequence on Final Cut Pro. The production company helps create the film -we used this at the start of our movie 'Anchored' to show it's importance and so the audience become familiar with this new production company we created.
We have named it "17 th Productions" to represent the media group we are all in .

Wednesday 12 March 2014

Ident stopmotion

We decided to use paperclips as our ident as we wanted to be more creative rather than use something that already exists on the web. We used paperclips because it is something someone wouldn't easily come up with and do, makes it seem very unique.  Of course we had to consider the background and at first we tried to get a neutral plain white background but it didn't work and then decided we wanted a more synthetic background, therefore got a wooden one. It blends in with the colours of the paperclips we've been using. Iolo got his camera and took shots with the blue paperclip changing in each shot going around in a circular path to show the changes happening. One way we could of been improving was to get a every shot to be still, but it was very difficult as we had to check if all pictures came out right before continuation.

Feedback of our rough cut from our teacher

Filming Day

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Anchored - Rough Cut

This is a Rough Cut of the movie we have produced 'Anchored'.We have made several changes to this rough cut as well as kept thing which we thought were successful.
We are still in the working progress of editing our Final version of our movie.We will be changing the opening titles to a theme which is more suited for the genre of our teen movie which is drama / psychological thriller, therefore we will use formal italics and colours to make our presentation more professional. We have also made changes in the intro were Ana logs into Facebook ,we have sped this up to make it seem more realistic and so that the opening isn't too long.We have also received feedback from our Media teacher on lighting in the first scene (bedroom scene). We were told the lighting in this Rough Cut in the opening scene was quite dull and grey colour. First.First time filming this we used natural lighting from windows and no lights , however we took our teachers comment on board so went to Brixton to film the same scene in Nathaly Bedroom with room lights above Ana's head and used lamp.This is not shown in this rough cut as we are still working and editing the scenes together , however it gave a more homely , brightening and warm atmosphere than the first time we recorded. We were also told that the editing in the rough cut above in the Bedroom Scene was quite boring , so as a group we went to film this scene again using close up shots of Ana's eyes ,lip's and medium shots of the side of her face to make visually interesting for the audience.We have also used smooth scale to focus some shots and used slow motion effects towards the end of the movie , to emphasize the importance of the situation and to have dramatic impact towards the audience .

We are all currently working really hard , editing the best way we possible can and coming up with ideas so that our Final copy of our movie 'Anchored' is a success.

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Short video of the editing and blogging of the rough copy

Evidence of Ana's voice over

Evidence of Ana's voice over 

Here is some evidence of Ana's voice over which is used towards the end of our movie. We decided to do a voice over to make the climax rise and to grab the audience attention. Ana wrote a short monolouge  for this voice over which is part of her vlog.

Thursday 13 February 2014



I don't know what to do.Everything is still ... fresh ,it feels like it was yesterday ( 3 sec flashback )
We were so happy ,it's my fault , six weeks ago we had the greatest night. We were walking back from a party and we were just talking ,then he got the text ! (sigh).
We were fighting and one thing lead to another .Then BAM , he was gone....


Script for when Corey and Ana fight

(Beep sound of the text) x4
(Corey checks each time ,avoids text and looks suspicious).
(Ana is curious and wants to desperately know if he's cheating on her or so)

Corey : So , the party. We should go to another one soon. Enjoy yourself today ?.

Ana : *pauses, looks at Corey in curiosity*Who keeps texting you ?

Corey : It's Adam , asking if I can make it tomorrow.

*Beep , Corey receives another text *

Ana : Why is he texting you so much , let me see your phone.
Corey : You need to trust me ,it's no one ,only Adam.I'm not hiding anything babe

Another beep and Corey laughs at his phone

Ana : (rising her voice) Show me

Corey : Really , it's no one

Ana : Give me your PHONE COREY !!!!

Corey : This is pointless ( muttering )

(Corey starts to walk away. Ana grabs his arm ans spins him around).

Corey : ( raising voice) Leave me alone ,this is ridiculous. Talk to me when you calm down.

Ana : (furious) SHOW ME YOUR PHONE !!!
Ana pushes Corey backwards.
Ana : Who the hell do you think I am. Do I look like fool ? Why do ....... 
 rushing car hits Corey 
Noise stops apart from an underwater hum.Close up on Ana's face.
Nathaly's shot.Ana starts screaming.Ana runs over to Corey's body ,crouches down and starts touching and crying.Hear a car door slam and footsteps as Nathaly runs onto screen.
Nathaly starts: OMG , I'm sorry , so sorry I , I 

Ana : (crying) Oh my God what did you do to him , no , no ,why
Screen goes black .
Abulances noises start.
Title Sequence.

Wednesday 12 February 2014


Our Twitter:

Username: ASGroup17

Instagram, Facebook and Youtube page's will be up soon.

Tuesday 11 February 2014

Music Media

Evidence of Photo Shoot

Evidence of photo shoot

This is one picture I took on my phone whilst Iolo was taking pictures of Nathaly. This.This picture was taken in Angel in a park close to our college . This was a appropriate location to take profile pictures of the characters that will take part of the movie , as the park was close to our college we took as much advantage of it and used different areas around the park which were appropriate and ideal for this .

Monday 10 February 2014

The three characters

Ana, the psychologically impaired female protagonist.

Location: We took this near our college, a local park in Angel. We specifically thought about the location we want to take pictures in and chose this because we thought that the background with nature etc would be perfect for the shoot. This is because we want to make it as realistic as possible and not artificial to everyday life.The purpose for the cars being in the background is to foreshadow what's going to happen in our teen movie.

This is a photograph of the location we filmed which supports our point about foreshadowing the car.This was the argument scene between Corey and Ana , when he had got run over by a car (nathaly)

Mise-en-scene: The clothes she has on is similar to what she is going to have in the filming. Ana wore the same grey wool jumper,jeans with a leather jacket in our movie. This represents a casual teenager because typical teenagers  would wear this. We wanted to suit the stereotypes of a teenager and the only way to achieve this is through her clothing.

                                                                Corey, the boyfriend.

Nathaly, the driver