Monday 27 January 2014



Copyright gives the creator of music , a film and a book  legal rights to control who uses the product and how it is distributed.This is to endure the creators or artist will get paid. 
It is important for users like us to use copyright free sounds or music  as using  copyrighted sounds in other projects  is illegal (breaking the law). 

In class we were told to watch an opening of a teen movie without it's sound . we then used creative commons a site range  with  a range of creative works available for others to build upon legally and to share. This organization has also  released several copyright-licenses known as Creative Commons licenses free of charge to the public. This allows creators to communicate which rights they reserve. We spent time getting to know how to navigate round the site and found music from creative commons that we felt would complement the clip.We also used 'Soundcloud '  ; an audio platform that enables sound creators to upload, record, promote and share their originally-created sounds , as there's a wide range of different genres of music with  clear and good quality sound .We then edited the music onto the clip using Final Cut Pro.  

We decided to select the sound from Soundcloud as there's a wide range of different copyright free sounds which we thought was suitable for the clip.We used a Sitar guitar as it creates the calm , chilled atmosphere just as shown  in the opening of the movie . For example wide shots are used to show a sea  to show the location and surroundings of where this main character lives or staying in . The sea shown at the start of the opening creates a peaceful ambience which demonstrates the film is not as dramatic. In addition the slow motion movement of the camera around the room helps convey this as well.

We watched this clip on the creative commons site before we started editing as it helped us explore and navigate the site well.
Final clip with sound

Remake Comparision

This is our remake of the Breakfast Club Opening and as a group we believe that this was successful as we have done several planning strategies. For example, the props we were going to bring, locations we filmed in and different shot types.

We used the same music which was played in the original movie. The music that was played was performed by Simple Minds called Don't you (Forget about me). We used the same song as we think it sets the mood into the teen movie which is nice and smooth, also because it's a remake, it has to be identical.  The idents of The Breakfast Club  is called 'Universal' an MCA company which we used to represent the production/distribution companies. We showed this at the start as 'Universal' is popular, which will convince people to watch our remake version. We screenshot each name and title given at the start and put it together to make the things we have control over as identical and not change things around once it's a remake. In addition,  we used the names of the people in the movie but the characters were replaced by us individually. We didn't have enough people to play all the characters so we multi-rolled to include all characters in the opening. We tried our best to keep the length the same because we need to balance it out, as we can't have extra title names or less because that's not what happens in the original movie. When the titles end, a wide shot was choosed to established the location which was our school, similarily this was also used in the breakfast club opening , the only differenc is that it wasn't the same school used. The Breakfast Club Opening was released in 1985 however, our school is more modern as it's a glass building. We used the script to record the voiceover in our opening at the beginning,  In the original movie a male was used for the voiceover whereas, for our remake opening a female was used.

We also interpreted the different shots shown in the original opening whereas, we used our college to record the same things but different types e.g. the hallway is different to ours, the canteen also, close up of rubbish shown on the stairwell etc.They used a locker saying 'IF you open this I will kill you...FAG', this shows that there are bullies in the school, which is stereotypical as the majority teen movies have bullies in it and we used this to our advantage and got a locker of our own and wrote the same thing.

Wednesday 22 January 2014

Locations we filmed in 

We thought about the different locatios where we would film our remake of the beginnning of breakfast club on college grounds was quite difficult. We did not make alot of the different photomontage at the beginining because we didn't have time and we wouldn't know where to film that.
This first picture is of one of the photomonatge pictures that appears in the breakfast club and as you can see it isn't the exact replica but we made do with what we had. I think it is still very good and cathes the idea we wanted to put in the remake.

Other locations that we filmed were in the halls ways and made it seem like a street because we couldn't use an actual street for toy cars. When you see our remake you see our film you will notice that one of the car shots are done in the hall ways because of the circumstances. It was slightly neutral so it wasn't that bad.
On this wall we did all the in car scenes because it was a white background and so again it created that neutral feel. We used a white wall because I think if we used any other colour it would look less unrealistic and if we used a wall with flyers and work it would be more obvious that we weren't filming in a car. 
For the classroom scenes we used actual classrooms which was a very gpod thing and so it looked more realistic to the viewers. The room wasn't very big so we couldn't get the long wide angle shots but we did our best to get as many similar shots as in the original Breakfast Club.
Another place in the photomontage at the beginnning of the Breakfast Club, we had to get a school building which in our case was really wasy because of the fact that we were at college. It isnt the same style of school or the same namwe but it gives the viewers the same idea that the film is set in high school.

Remake of the breakfast club ana

The Breakfast Club remake
This is mind map on 'Planning' I did before I recorded  'The Breakfast Club' with my group to add ideas and to be prepared for when I was going to film the short remake with my group.

 As a group we were told to record a remake of The Breakfast club opening. In preparation of this I did some individual planning to allow our short remake of the breakfast club be successful.

In played Ally 'The Basketcase' , the loner ,the weirdo and the bag lady . A silent girl, who most people cannot figure out. Whenever she talks, it is usually as an act of self defense. Suffering from chronic boredom and loneliness, she is extremely reserved.She spends most of the time in the library because she has nothing better to do. the movie show how teenagers deal with life's pressure  in different ways. All the teenagers also thought that their problem was the worst and by forming their group together they reveal their souls making them feel stronger able to overcome their problems

 I have decided to bring in costumes such as a long black jumper , a black top  and  a long grey side bag as  in the movie Ally is wearing  sober coloured clothing . I thought the use of the colour black and grey would represent her character well and show that she is less popular compared to the other characters such as 'The Princess' and 'The Athlete '. 

We  have brought props such as toy cars as we couldn't afford actual cars for our short opening , so we thought this would be a creative  and imaginative way to show the popular teenagers being dropped in flashy cars to High School .

We also filmed a montage  of our own school . We used the halls, canteen , lockers and clock to create the teen - high school atmosphere. The effect of a  close up of the clock in our opening gives the impression that something good or bad will happen to these teenagers , as they are impatient to wait any longer. We also used a long shot , when we filmed outside  the front of the school building to show where the location is set in  and immediately shows that its a film based on High school .

We also used created a  script which was used in the original movie  to allow our speech to be fluent and clear when recording different scenes.

Vlog 1

Vlog 1

Photographs of the jumpers I wore for Ally , 'The Basketcase' character from 'The Breakfast Club '.

facebook page

The Breakfast Club Remake Facebook Page
I have created a Facebook page for our remake of 'The Breakfast Club' . I have and will be publishing images of the filming process as well as the movie clip when it has been edited. This will allow views and persuade the audience to watch our remake of the breakfast club before it is released .
Images of our costumes, shots and recordings of interviews from the characters well be posted on this Facebook as well .

1000 hits!!

Editing and Blogging Vlog



Idea for short film

A lot of the teen films I have encountered begin with a monologue, and I was think of interesting ways to formulate one (aesthetically). I thought that the camera could jump between shots of the school and actual story, but keep referencing back to the speaker. I thought we could film someone and add one of two effects, project an image on to them or edit a video/images on top. The background images could help to determine what mood the scene held, if we shot a video of a desolate forest then there would be an eery mood and such. I mocked up some stills on photoshop and took one with a projector to see how hey would come out, the projector is easier but we would need a projector and it also leaves a shadow (which I don't actually mind).

I think that the projected one has a better outcome, but I used a strange image for the photoshop so that might have been the problem.

Monday 20 January 2014

Breakfast Club opening - costume

For our shot-by-shot remake of the Breakfast Club opening, we had to look into different stereotypes to find which outfits, styles and natures fitted with different stereotypes. I played the jock and the geek, and I did some brief research into each character genotype.

This was the shirt that we used for the geek outfit, I thought it was funny because the shirt has smaller shirts on it. For the jock outfit we used an oversized sports jacket, but we had to change 'actor' for the second half, and the outfit changed in the process.

Friday 17 January 2014

Remake of the Breakfast Club - Props

In the movie they use as props; 4 cars, a montage of the different things in a a school and a school. We werent able to use actual cars so we thought and said to use toy cars instead. I brought in 4 toy cars with the same colour and hopefully type of car that were in the film. We used our own college outside to film the cars and make it look as close as to the original movie.
We also filmed a motage of our own school just like they had it in the movie. We used the halls, cantine and clock  as they did in the movie. We also filmed outside of school to have a longshot of the building just like they did in the movie aswell

 We tried to use places inthe college which wouldn't be to out of place such as using blank backgrounds than using different backgrounds such as ones with college news and work from other students.